TITLE: Maui - A Great Mythical Hero.
Introduction: I believe that Maui is a great mythical hero.
Reason 1:
Firstly, I think that Maui’s a great mythical hero because he was strong enough to pull down the sun so we could have more daylight.
Reason 2:
My next reason is that he was brave enough to take a little bit of fire from the underground to keep us warm.
Reason 3:
My final reason is that he was a great leader to his 4 brothers, but his brothers didn't appreciate his work, because they always argued with him.
Conclusion:I honestly believe that Maui’s a great mythical hero because he was strong enough to pull down the sun, he was brave enough to take fire from the underground and lastly he was a great leader to his 4 brothers even though his brothers didn’t agree.